About Us

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We love Jesus Christ and incorporate His teachings into every aspect of our lives. We pray individually and as families that we may be guided by His Spirit. We study holy scriptures daily and follow the counsel we receive from women and men who are called of God to build his Church and kingdom upon the earth.

We strive to maintain the dignity of every human being as a real brother and sister and have a deep respect for all that God has created and placed upon this earth.

We are NOT stiff and boring religious fanatics. We have diverse talents, hobbies, and interests and often succeed in embarrassing one another with our antics and zests for life. We use our talents and interests to share love and encouragement with the people around us. Life is a mixed bag of good, bad, and things in between so we do our best to make it fun and interesting as we seek to be a blessing to others.

You can contact us by leaving comments at the bottom of our blog posts.

Come unto Christ and walk in the light of His love!

With love,
The Cooper Family

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