Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Teach Me to Walk in the Light of His Love

Our family has come to know and feel the love of God as we've chosen to have faith and trust in the teachings of Jesus Christ. We treasure His words and teachings and dedicate our time, talents, and resources to sharing that love with one another and the people we meet. We want to be a blessing in the lives of those we meet.  We see the hand of God in the world in which we live and declare that "...the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." (From the Book of Mormon, Alma 30:44)

We see and feel God's love in the goodness of people around us. We are in awe of His power and gentle love. We believe in a great plan of happiness that was designed by our Heavenly Father and invite you to learn more about that plan by clicking on this link. God the Father is the Father of the spirit which dwells in and gives life to each of our bodies. We are literally His spirit children--all part of an eternal family.

We recognize that there is an adversary to the great plan of happiness designed by our Heavenly Father.  That adversary seeks to obscure, hide, and even take away a knowledge of and hope in God's plan for our happiness through disobedience to God's commandments and through misguided traditions and instant but short-lived pleasures. That adversary seeks to rule over our spirit and to keep us blind to our divine potential so he entices us to turn our attention to selfish pleasures and rewards.

We believe that a family unit is central to God's plan for our happiness so we believe in and hold sacred the institution of marriage between a man and a woman. We believe that when such a marriage is founded on the teachings of Christ the likelihood for each member of the family to know true joy and happiness is greatly increased. We recognize that many of us live in circumstances that are not ideal, but adherence to the teachings of Christ will remedy the loneliness, heartbreak, and challenges that surround us in our less-than-ideal circumstances. Those teachings will also magnify the joy and influence of sacred relationships in our lives. Caring for one another in the spirit of "the good Samaritan" (Luke 10:30-37) as a human family strengthens and lifts both those who serve and those who are served because service is the work of God. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of service.

We invite you to come unto Christ, study His teachings, and walk in the light of His love!

The Cooper Family
Our Family
(Before welcoming our two newest grandchildren, Oliver and Liam)

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